Hear what other BrainRx licensees are saying about their experiences:

It was back in 2011 when we noticed a remarkable change in one student’s academic performance in the school we worked at. We discovered that the student had spent his summer in the United States, where he participated in the LearningRx Brain Training program.
Intrigued by this change, we did more research to find it was the most comprehensive and scientifically proven cognitive development program worldwide. Recognizing immediately the potential to positively change the lives of students in Abu Dhabi, we procured the license and established Dots & Links for Skills Development Center. Since opening its doors in 2012, the center has helped more than 1000 students, which is very rewarding.
Upon reflecting on the past 10+ years of operation, we are grateful to be in the best business in the world- the business of helping others! We wouldn’t have done this without the BrainRx programs, which combine the proven cognitive programs as well as the ongoing support from the Global Masters (Pooneh and Andy Roney) and the LearningRx Home Office team. Moreover, we are part of a wonderful global network with many sister companies around the world, led by the inspiring Global Masters who always support and guide us throughout the way. We appreciate being part of this big supportive family and can’t wait to change more lives in our community.
Razan & Zinah
Dots & Links- Abu Dhabi
BrainRx Leads for Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank, East Jerusalem & Gaza

We had been running a successful cognitive-developmental center for about 12 years in Budapest, in the inner city, right at the Danube, at the Chain Bridge… WHEN … one day Zoltán saw some of the research results of the LearningRx.
We, as university lecturers, immediately immersed ourselves into the research articles of the Gibson Institute of Cognitive Research and subscribed for their newsletter… We have been raising our dear son, Marcell with ADHD and autism, so both as professionals and as parents we knew how important it is to work with THE BEST programs in order to help and save lives.
We were taken aback… The research results are amazing!!
We had been treating vulnerable children with severe cognitive developmental delays at the Gem Cognitive Clinic… but we have had several students queuing up with dyslexia, high functioning autism, ADHD or milder learning problems. We felt this program was just what they needed! So, we travelled to Colorado for the licensee training and we have been working with this amazing program for 4+ years now.
We had been successful in cognitive activation of children before. But looking back to those days now… A NEW PHASE has started in our center’s professional life since we purchased the BrainRx License… BrainRx does not sell ‘just’ a good program. They have taught us how to organize a center’s life at every level, no matter, if it is communication with clients, generating and maintaining happiness in our team’s everyday life, or marketing the vast knowledge science, can give to all those who are in need of better functioning or learning! The program can widen everyone’s intelligence with up to 20 IQ points. Strongly transfers to emotional regulation. Excellence, passion and integrity embedded in cognitive science… these are the core values we have learned and we are transmitting to those who are in need and would love to learn better, achieve better and be happier in every field of their lives!
Kristy & Zoltán
Gem Learning Center, Budapest, Hungary
BrainRx Leads for Hungary, Austria and Slovakia

Prior to being a brain trainer, I was a teacher working with children and teenagers of different abilities. Upon realizing the struggles some of these learners face regularly, I searched and tried to find a way to help students reach their true potential, but it was especially challenging facing set academic systems and mindsets.
In 2013, I joined the BrainRx family as a brain trainer at a different training center at first. In my role, I saw first-hand the real improvements in cognitive abilities of my students, both children and adults. After seeing the real benefits and life-changing results of BrainRx programs, I knew that I had found my passion for life. I then co-founded Mind Matters with my brother-in-law to help ensure learners achieve their desired levels of success and build a business that our children will be proud of one day.
The fact that the center is our own business does not just give us the flexibility and control over our working hours and how things are done, it also gave us a greater sense of purpose of seeing how we can change and rewire brains in a way that impacts lives beyond what we thought was possible. Feeling like you left an impact in another person’s life in a way that they are forever changed and grateful is a legacy worth leaving behind. It gives us a purpose to be proud of, to say the least.
There is also the great advantage of having such a financial boost for both our households. You see the efforts you directly put into work, transform into income and financial stability.
It has been a real journey; the amount of support and guidance provided by the BrainRx team has always impressed us. When our business started to struggle due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the amount of support became massive and helped us overcome most of the challenges we faced, enabling us to serve our students regardless of lockdowns and government restrictions and allowing us to continue making a great living. Our center is always encouraged and supported to achieve more. Again, the BrainRx team even went beyond the normal support to allow us to make it through and prosper during this extreme change and uncertainty.
Mind Matters – Amman, Jordan